Projeto Be Emotional Techie – bridges between emotional learning and technology – Budapest

Budapest hosted last 21-23 November the first transnational meeting under The Project Be Emotional Techie – brigdes between emotional learning and technology, a project co-financed by the Erasmus + program (2019-1-PT01 -KA201-060761).

This first meeting was attended by various elements from the various schools in the countries involved in the project:

  • Portugal – Alto do Lumiar School Grouping; School of Emotions / Association of Schools Gardens João de Deus; and ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon;
  • Spain – Sociedad Cooperativa la Alcayna;
  • Hungary – Budapest III. Kerületi Dr. Szent-Györgyi Albert Általános Iskola, and;
  • Greece – Dimotiko Sholeio Agrokipiou.
  • Erasmus + Portuguese National Agency – project follow-up technician, Dr. Augusta Alves

The meeting’s objectives were the presentation of all elements, the presentation of the different educational communities and especially the presentation and discussion of the work plan over the three years of the project.

The host school for this first moment was Kerületi Dr. Szent-Györgyi Albert Általános Iskola, where the two days of work took place.

The next international meeting under this project will be in January in the city of Leiria-Portugal.

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